Questions to ask during your visit to the 24 hour dentist in Chicago

Questions to ask during your visit to the 24 hour dentist in Chicago

In addition to talking to your dentist about any pain or problems you are experiencing in your mouth, here are some general questions that you can do to help you improve your overall dental health.

  • What is my overall dental health?
  • What I can do to improve my dental health?
  • Is there anything I should tell my doctor for general health?
  • How nutrition tips can give me to improve my dental health?
  • What treatments are absolutely necessary? What are electives? What are cosmetics? What procedures are urgently needed, and which are less urgent?

Questions you should ask your dentist during your consultation


Questions to the dentist about your child’s teeth

The Association for Healthy mouths, healthy lives (Healthy Mouths Healthy Lives) recommends taking your child to the dentist at the time that birthday. Then, once you schedule a regular routine, here are some questions to ask the dentist about your child’s dental health.

  • How I can make sure my child’s teeth clean?
  • How I can prevent “baby bottle tooth decay”?
  • Do you have any tips on how to make my child brush your teeth?
  • What nutrition advice I can give to improve the dental health of my child?
  • What is your philosophy about sealants?
  • How is the development of teeth and jaws? and if there is a problem, when you refer my child to an orthodontist?