Most Americans are obsessed with wines. Besides its incomparable flavor, wines are known to reduce stress. Wines come with several varieties – rosé or the pinkish wine, red wine and white wine. Regardless of preferred color, wines contain impressive health benefits! Scientists proved that moderate consumption of wines can lower risks of stroke, diabetes and heart disease. However, there’s one bad thing it gives – teeth stains! Thanks to professional teeth whitening at our site.
For thousands of years, red wines are blamed for causing stains to your teeth. That is why most wine geeks resort to white wines instead. Unfortunately, this choice can cause the same thing. Recent study shows, white wines can contribute tooth stains. Not to mention its qualities to increase risks of tooth erosion. Unlike red wines, white wines are twice more acidic! Without proper consumption, this teeth staining product can induce erosion which may wear and tear the poor tooth enamel.
Aside from that, white wines can create rough spots to your teeth. This effect may leave your teeth vulnerable and be open to stains from other food and drink sources. Clearly, there are foods and drinks that cause stains. These items have high levels of chromogens. Chromogens are pigments that highly cause stains to your teeth. These pigments are mostly found in berries, coffees and teas.
Since averting white wines appear to be a bad idea to wine geeks, proper consumption should be incorporated in their drinking list. Wine lovers should keep in mind that consuming too much white wines can cause hideous damage to their oral health. As pigments penetrate deeper to the teeth, this can develop serious tooth damage, besides discoloration.
While most of us prefer to quit white wines, you should know that there are ways to prevent this drink from causing stains.
Considering that white wines have high levels of acids, it pays to neutralize the culprit by pairing wines with low acid foods. In short, eat smart! Fruits and vegetables are two of the most common low and non-acidic food types. These foods are rich in vitamins and nutrients that promote oral health. No question why these are excellent sources of dental health benefits! Other than smart eating, consider take breaks after and between tastings. This means, allow your saliva to neutralize the acids. This should be done by waiting a few hours between drinking.
Of course, chewing sugar-free gums can also do the job. As your saliva neutralizes the acids and mineralizes the enamel, it’s a common practice to chew non-sugar chewing gums for 20 minutes. This helps activate saliva and kills food traces and debris. Furthermore, don’t forget to rinse after drinking. Similar with other unhealthy practices, white wine traces are best removed with water. Water cleanses your mouth. It can eliminate acid and purify your palate efficiently.
Last thing is, apply a dental hygienic method, like brushing. However, make sure to wait 30 minutes before engaging to fluoridated toothpaste. Immediate brushing can weaken the enamel because of the toothpaste’s abrasive agents. Therefore, always be careful when drinking white wines.
If possible, kill that bad habit to sustain excellent oral health.